Mr. and Mrs. Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Walker

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Easter was a very busy time for Amelia. She took her first set of mall pictures with the Easter bunny and spent time with the Emmsley, Guerra and Walker families. Her favorite part of the holiday was the time she got to spend with her cousin Riley - they even had matching dresses! We can't wait until they are old enough to hunt for eggs and eat candy from their baskets.

Cousins trying to reach each other
Walker family's first Easter
Riley & Auntie
So precious!
Grandpa, Brandon & Jack playing a little Easter croquet
Amelia's Easter gifts from her Gigi and Auntie Paigey
Amelia's gifts from her Grandma Helen (she wanted to eat, not take a picture)
Easter eggs - Daddy, Mommy, Amelia, Uncle Justin, Mama, Papa, Bruin & Alice
Daddy & Amelia on Easter morning
Amelia with her Grandma Helen on Easter morning
Emmsley cousins
Post egg hunt
Aunts & Uncles getting ready to hide eggs
Amelia and Grandma Lani
Little girl before her pictures with the Easter bunny - she slept the entire time!

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